The concert

The programme will be dedicated to Advent. It will include Bach’s Prelude and Fugue in B minor BWV 544, several chorale preludes on the theme of the Lutheran Chorale “Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland”, and the Toccata Psalm 146 (“Sing a new song to the Lord”) by Jan Zwart.

Galina Elshaeva, organ
28 November 2022, Monday, 18:00

Organ concert in the Church of the Holy Spirit (Püha Vaimu kirik), Tallinn (Estonia).

The Church of the Holy Spirit (Püha Vaimu) is the smallest medieval church in Tallinn. It is situated close to the Raeapteek (Town Hall) and dates from the 13th century. Originally it was part of the Holy Ghost Hospice, which helped the sick and elderly, and for many years it was the main church for the common people, and evolved with its transition to a Lutheran church. In the 1530s, the first sermons in Estonian were delivered here in place of the traditional German. From then on, the church was to play an important role in Estonian culture. The famous Livonian chronicler Balthasar Russow also taught here at the end of the 16th century. The front of the church has a clock dating from 1684 and the bell tower has the oldest drone in Tallinn, cast in 1433. The interior is richly decorated with, in particular, a unique example of Gothic wooden sculpture. The altar, which was commissioned to the artist Bernt Notke in 1483, is one of the most valuable medieval works of art in Estonia. The richly decorated clock on the front of the church is the oldest public clock in Tallinn.